I do have crazy amounts of time right now. It is just that at the end of the day I feel that when I complete a task, I cannot designate the amount of time to writing as good of a blog entry as I would like. It is the storyteller in me. I feel the need to find a story in anything that I write. I guess I have to come to terms with the fact that not every adventure has an over arching story.
I said I was going blog about all the fun stuff I am doing so here it goes.
On March 20th I went to Shawnee Lookout. I have actually never been there. May have been there when I was a kid, but I don't remember.

My imagination when I am walking in the woods tends to run wild. As a child I would fanaticize that Robin Hood was going to swoop down at any moment and take me away. My mind constantly drifts now to the idea that walking in the woods is in essence time travel. You get to see the world as millions of people saw it before. No buildings, no pavement, no cars. Just nature. Grant it on this walk I was constantly reminded of the outside world.
It still is a beautiful place to walk. I walked around the grounds for what seemed like hours. Ran into a few burial mounds. You think they would do more than simply label the

The scenic river views were fantastic. I didn't get a good picture of it. There was a clean drop off and I was afraid that I would drop my phone.
Everywhere I turned my imagination ran wild. Doesn't this look like the home of a gnome?
Either way, I love long walks in the woods. I do not give them to myself as often as I should.
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